Don’t expect to get off at your schedule shift you will always have to stay late pass your shift hours even till 440am if you want a job that has no work like balance and don’t care if you are sick or not apply here but if not don’t apply find something much better. You must do all wheelchairs and carry on by yourself no help. Beware before applying here worst decision ever. U have 6 months probation and within those 6 months you can’t call out even if it’s a family emergency if you do they give you a point and it’s a point based system.

Once u start u will get horrible shift everything is by seniority-based so u will always get mandatory overtime no questions asked. They have mandatory overtime as well which you can’t deny the mandatory overtime or you will get fired immediately. You pay for parking off site.There is a lot of favoritism at this company and they work you to the bone u will not get any days off at work and they expect you to work 16 hour shifts with no break. It is now my 7th month working, and headquarters states I'm off of probation, but management says I'm not. We were told on the day of orientation that probation is 6 months. If I ask one person a question, they tell me one thing, but another leader gives a totally different answer. You do have the opportunity to pick up extra shifts if you want to. I'm unable to enjoy my family because working nights, it's hard to get anyone to switch with you. The senior agents were not very welcoming to the new hires. Many new hires are unhappy and several are looking to leave, including one that will be leaving the end of this week. Overheard a Supervisor say that the company doesn't want you to have a life, but be totally dedicated to you. There is no room for trying to go to school while working for this company. Working nights, you will be given mandatory overtime, due to flight delays or cancelations. Being new, more than likely you will work nights. If you request a day off and someone with higher seniority than you requests that same day, you don't get it.

This company is based on seniority for everything.
Only opportunity is that you fly free but you will never be able to fly anywhere because of mandatory overtime and it’s hard to get days off you can’t request any days off at all only swap days u want off but on one will swap with you unless you pay them to work for you. There is a lot of favoritism at this company and they work you to the bone u will not get any days off at work and they expect you to work 16 hour shifts with no break.